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Saturday, 10 May 2014

Moi SuperHero Nick Vujicic

The Man the SuperHero of moi life...A guru in every sense.... A man an angel who makes moi get up each time i fail n stumble and give up...A man who adds  meaning to the words Courage... Inspiration... An Angel and Spritual Guide to those lifes he has touched even with his books videos... blessed are those who have had the blessing of meeting and hugging him....His one Hug can change ....transform n heal you...Moi Super hero
♥Nick Vujicic♥
“If just one more person finds eternal life in Jesus Christ… it is all worth it. You can help me spread this message today!”
Nick Vujicic
Imagine getting through your busy day without hands or feet. Picture your life without the ability to walk, care for your basic needs, or even embrace those you love. Meet Nicholas Vujicic (pronounced VOO-yee-cheech). Without any medical explanation or warning, Nick was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without arms and legs. Three sonograms failed to reveal complications. And yet, the Vujicic family was destined to cope with both the challenge and blessing of raising a son who refused to allow his physical condition to limit his lifestyle.

The early days were difficult. Throughout his childhood, Nick not only dealt with the typical challenges of school and adolescence, but he also struggled with depression and loneliness. Nick constantly wondered why he was different than all the other kids. He questioned the purpose of life, or if he even had a purpose.
According to Nick, the victory over his struggles, as well as his strength and passion for life today, can be credited to his faith in God. His family, friends and the many people he has encountered along the journey have inspired him to carry on, as well.

Since his first speaking engagement at age 19, Nick has traveled around the world, sharing his story with millions, sometimes in stadiums filled to capacity, speaking to a range of diverse groups such as students, teachers, young people, business professionals and church congregations of all sizes. Today this dynamic young evangelist has accomplished more than most people achieve in a lifetime. He’s an author, musician, actor, and his hobbies include fishing, painting and swimming. In 2007, Nick made the long journey from Australia to southern California where he is the president of the international non-profit ministry, Life Without Limbs, which was established in 2005.

Nick says, “If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart!” Nick’s latest foray into radio will expand his platform for inviting men and women all around the world to embrace the liberating hope and message of Jesus Christ.

If I fail, I try again, and again, and again. If YOU fail, are you going to try again? The human spirit can handle much worse than we realize. It matters HOW you are going to FINISH. Are you going to finish strong?

If you can't get a miracle, become one.

It's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything.

Life isn't about having, it's about being. You could surround yourself with all that money can buy, and you'd still be as miserable as a human can be. I know people with perfect bodies who don't have half the happiness I've found. On my journeys I've seen more joy in the slums of Mumbai and the orphanages of Africa than in wealthy gated communities and on sprawling estates worth millions. Why is that? You'll find contentment when your talents and passion are completely engaged, in full force. Recognise instant self-gratification for what it is. Resist the temptation to grab for material objects like the perfect house, the coolest clothes or the hottest car. The if I just had X, I would be happy syndrome is a mass delusion. When you look for happiness in mere objects, they are never enough. Look around. Look within.

I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.

The challenges in our lives are there to STRENGTHEN our CONVICTIONS. They are NOT there to run us over.

In life you have a choice: Bitter or Better? Choose better, forget bitter.

We can't, and we should not, compare sufferings. We come together as a family of God, hand in hand. And then together coming and standing upon the promises of God, knowing that no matter who you are, no matter what you're going through, that God knows it, He is with you, He is going to pull you through.

I encourage you to accept that you may not be able to see a path right now, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

Life without limbs? Or life without limits?

If I fail, I try again, and again, and again

Don't put your life on hold so that you can dwell on the unfairness of past hurts.

...God's love is so real that He created you to prove it.

I have the choice to be angry at God for what i don't have, or be thankful for what i do have

Some injuries heal more quickly if you keep moving.

... God gave you just one mouth but He gave you two ears, so you should listen twice as much as you speak

... FAITH: ... Full Assurance In The Heart.

.. Fear is often described as False Evidence Appearing Real.

... for every disability you have, you are blessed with more than enough abilities to overcome your challenges.

You can't even stand without risking to fall.

Sometimes you may feel like you are just about to realize your goal only to fall short. That is no reason to quit. Defeat happens only to those who refuse to try again.

...trade the life of self pity, that I was living, for a life of purpose!

- Rebekah -

Have you ever felt trapped in circumstances, then discovered that the only trap was your own lack of vision, lack of courage, or failure to see that you had better options?

Yet I also believe that when you do unto others, blessings come to you as well. So if you don't have a friend, be a friend. If you are having a bad day, make someone else's day. If your feelings are hurt, heal those of another.

The greater the struggle the more glorious the triumph

Risk, then, is not just part of life. It is life. The place between your comfort zone and your
dream is where life takes place. It's the high-anxiety zone, but it's also where you discover
who you are.

We easily become trapped in the 'someday' mentality. Someday I'll have all the money I need to enjoy life. Someday I'll be able to spent more time with my family. Someday I'll have time to relax and do what i love doing.

... to keep moving up ... , you have to abandon the security of that ledge and reach for another hold. Letting go of that sense of security.. is the challenge. ... think of yourself as climbing a ladder. To move to the next rung, you must give up your grip and reach for the next one.

Pain is Pain. Broken is Broken. FEAR is the Biggest Disability of all. And will PARALYZE you More Than Being in a Wheelchair

I am God's creation ,designed according to His plan for me :)))

There are things in your life that you can't control and gotta live with ...

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

But there is one thing better than going to heaven and that is to encourage at least one other person to go with me,

Having faith, beliefs, and convictions is a great thing, but your life is measured by the actions you take based upon them.

You are awesome just the way you are ...

Whether your life is happy or not is your own choice.

Many people think I can't live a normal life because
I don't have arms or legs.
I could choose to believe that and give up trying.
I could stay at home and wait for others to take care of me.
Instead, I choose to believe that I can do anything,
and I always try to do things my own way.
I choose to be happy.
I am happy because I am always thankful.

I may have absolutely no control over what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we choose the right attitude, we can rise above whatever challenges we face.

Once you accept that perfection is just a goal, screwing up isn't so hard to handle. Each misstep is still a step, another lesson learned, another opportunity to get it right the next time.