Moi heart keeps reminding me through a feeling: “stop looking for solutions, just look for the next piece of the puzzle in your journey of knowing yourself; keep deepening the connection with the truth, the infinite you.You are the character in your life, but you are also the observer in the awareness that life is NOT a game to be “won” through your circumstances, but a game to be played for fun, and for love.And this is when you reach a part of your journey where there are no pieces of the puzzle left to be learned, except one… you living what you know.But not the thinking, separate, limited side of you… the beingness, energy, infinite part of you: the authentic you.
There is only the ONE piece of the puzzle to realize that matters: who you truly are.
'Everything else really is an illusion"
Hey u Howdy ! Just brew a hot cup of coffee or tea,n join moi follow the Trail as it leads you to a place where you can experience the energy of a playfull abandonment,a place where you can you can learn to enjoy being a Nobody.Please,come have a seat...come join moi for a Virtual Cuppaa.while i Hum I love the Coffee and tea and the java and cheer up n's To ...The cuppa....shared (yeah)