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Sunday, 11 December 2016

Quote i love

Book facedown, pages splayed. Some won't dare make a mark in the margin. Get over it. Books exist to impart their worlds to you, not to be beautiful objects to save for some other day. We implore you to fold, crack, and scribble on your books whenever the desire takes you. Underline the good bits, exclaim "YES!" and "NO!" in the margins. Invite others to inscribe and date the frontispiece. Draw pictures, jot down phone numbers and Web addresses, make journal entries, draft letters to friends or world leaders. Scribble down ideas for a novel of your own, sketch bridges you want to build, dresses you want to design. Stick postcards and pressed flowers between the pages.

When next you open the book, you'll be able to find the bits that made you think, laugh, and cry the first time around. And you'll remember that you picked up that coffee stain in the cafe where you also picked up that handsome waiter. Favorite books should be naked, faded, torn, their pages spilling out. Love them like a friend, or at least a favorite toy. Let them wrinkle and age along with you.
Ella Berthoud & Susan Elderkin

Friday, 9 December 2016

A post by respected~ Kim Eng

Relationships - True Love and the Transcendence of Duality
By Kim Eng
During my travels, one of the most frequently asked question is “What is it like to be in relationship with an enlightened being?” Why this question? Perhaps they have the idea or image of an ideal relationship, and want to know more about it. Perhaps their mind wants to project itself to a future time when they, too, will be in an ideal relationship and find themselves through it.
What is it like to be in relationship with an enlightened being?
As long as I have the idea in my head “I have a relationship” or “I am in a relationship,” no matter with whom, I suffer. This I have learnt.
With the concept of “relationship” come expectations, memories of past relationships, and further personally and culturally conditioned mental concepts of what a “relationship” should be like. Then I would try to make reality conform to these concepts. And it never does. And again I suffer. The fact of the matter is: there are no relationships. There is only the present moment, and in the moment there is only relating.
How we relate, or rather how well we love, depends on how empty we are of ideas, concepts, expectations.
Recently, I asked Eckhart to say a few words on the ego’s search for “love relationships.” Our conversation quickly went deeper to touch upon some of the most profound aspects of human existence. Here’s what he said:
Eckhart Tolle: What is conventionally called “love” is an ego strategy to avoid surrender. You are looking to someone to give you that which can only come to you in the state of surrender. The ego uses that person as a substitute to avoid having to surrender. The Spanish language is the most honest in this respect. It uses the same verb, te quiero, for “I love you” and “I want you.” To the ego, loving and wanting are the same, whereas true love has no wanting in it, no desire to possess or for your partner to change. The ego singles someone out and makes them special. It uses that person to cover up the constant underlying feeling of discontent, of “not enough,” of anger and hate, which are closely related. These are facets of an underlying deep seated feeling in human beings that is inseparable from the egoic state.
When the ego singles something out and says “I love” this or that, it’s an unconscious attempt to cover up or remove the deep-seated feelings that always accompany the ego: the discontent, the unhappiness, the sense of insufficiency that is so familiar. For a little while, the illusion actually works. Then inevitably, at some point, the person you singled out, or made special in your eyes, fails to function as a cover up for your pain, hate, discontent or unhappiness which all have their origin in that sense of insufficiency and incompleteness. Then, out comes the feeling that was covered up, and it gets projected onto the person that had been singled out and made special - who you thought would ultimately “save you.” Suddenly love turns to hate. The ego doesn’t realize that the hatred is a projection of the universal pain that you feel inside. The ego believes that this person is causing the pain. It doesn’t realize that the pain is the universal feeling of not being connected with the deeper level of your being - not being at one with yourself.
The object of love is interchangeable, as interchangeable as the object of egoic wanting. Some people go through many relationships. They fall in love and out of love many times. They love a person for a while until it doesn’t work anymore, because no person can permanently cover up that pain.
Only surrender can give you what you were looking for in the object of your love. The ego says surrender is not necessary because I love this person. It’s an unconscious process of course. The moment you accept completely what is, something inside you emerges that had been covered up by egoic wanting. It is an innate, indwelling peace, stillness, aliveness. It is the unconditioned, who you are in your essence. It is what you had been looking for in the love object. It is yourself. When that happens, a completely different kind of love is present which is not subject to love / hate. It doesn’t single out one thing or person as special. It’s absurd to even use the same word for it. Now it can happen that even in a normal love / hate relationship, occasionally, you enter the state of surrender. Temporarily, briefly, it happens: you experience a deeper universal love and a complete acceptance that can sometimes shine through, even in an otherwise egoic relationship. If surrender is not sustained, however, it gets covered up again with the old egoic patterns. So, I’m not saying that the deeper, true love cannot be present occasionally, even in a normal love / hate relationship. But it is rare and usually short-lived.
Whenever you accept what is, something deeper emerges than what is. So, you can be trapped in the most painful dilemma, external or internal, the most painful feelings or situation, and the moment you accept what is, you go beyond it, you transcend it. Even if you feel hatred, the moment you accept that this is what you feel, you transcend it. It may still be there, but suddenly you are at a deeper place where it doesn’t matter that much anymore.
The entire phenomenal universe exists because of the tension between the opposites. Hot and cold, growth and decay, gain and loss, success and failure, the polarities that are part of existence, and of course part of every relationship.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

A beautiful Message from Louise Hay

*A beautiful Message from Louise Hay*(author of 'you can heal your life)

One of the common emotional disorders in our culture is emotional pain. Emotions such as sadness, frustration, and overwhelm all have the same brain energy (or chemistry) and all come under the heading of depression.

But what causes the emotional pain of sadness, frustration, and depression? Sometimes you feel that you’ve lost someone forever. Sometimes you feel worthless. Other times at work you’ve been disrespected. You’ve been treated unfairly. You’ll get irritated, aggravated, thinking things should be different. This grumpiness, loneliness, and irritability are all flavors of sadness. And then your body feels it. You get hungry. You get tired. You move slowly. You find yourself slamming doors. Small things make you snap. You criticize yourself. You criticize others. And you look in the mirror and you say, “I don’t like myself.” You can’t figure out if you’re sad or if you’re angry. It’s difficult to know where the sadness ends, the irritability begins, and the anger erupts.

Our feelings are an intuitive part of our well-being, letting us know that some need is not being met. When we feel sad or angry, it can overwhelm us, take over our lives, and make our relationships a battlefield. We may abuse ourselves with food, drinking, bad relationships.

Often when we’re in a “bad mood,” we feel we’re not “good enough,” because depression, anger, and irritability aren’t just about being in a bad mood. They’re about not having enough joy and love.

The winter months can be a particularly challenging time of year as many of these emotions surface during family gatherings or excessive amounts of time indoors. It’s critical when you’re feeling low (and even before) to find joy and love in your life and you can do that through practicing thankfulness by:

Spending 10 minutes every morning being thankful for all the good in your life. What are you grateful for? How do you begin each day? What is the first thing you say in the morning?
Listing at least 10 things in your life that you are grateful for.
Close your eyes and really think before you write. It may take you a month to write this. That’s okay. There is no time limit, and you can add to the list at any time. The point is that it’s hard to be grateful and upset at the same time.

Another exercise to help shift your thoughts and emotions is to write 50 positive feelings about yourself. I know it can be difficult to write positive feelings about yourself when you’re feeling sad, angry or depressed but focusing on what’s good about you helps neutralize these emotions. Be sure to pay attention to your feelings while you’re doing these exercises. Is there resistance? Is it hard to see yourself in a positive light? Continue on, remembering how powerful you are.

Instead of thinking about why you don’t love yourself, whether it was because someone hurt you or you were in an environment that was filled with hate, focus instead on loving who you are, where you are. The key to turning around mood problems like sadness, depression and anger is by making the choice to add love and joy into your life. Because when we love ourselves, we’re loving the divine, the magnificent expressions of life that we are. When we love ourselves, we know we are tuning into the universe and the inherent love that flows through life. When we love ourselves, even during our most challenging times, we are respecting and cherishing the incredible miracle that every single one of us is.

Monday, 5 December 2016

"The £ife that i have"

The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours.
The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours.
A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause.
For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours and yours.
The Life That I Have (sometimes referred to as Yours) is a short poem written by Leo Marks and used as a poem code in the Second World War.

In the war, famous poems were used to encrypt messages. This was, however, found to be insecure because enemy cryptanalysts were able to locate the original from published sources. Marks countered this by using his own written creations. The Life That I Have was an original poem composed on Christmas Eve 1943 and was originally written by Marks in memory of his girlfriend Ruth, who had just died in a plane crash in Canada.[1] On 24 March 1944, the poem was issued by Marks to Violette Szabo, a French agent of Special Operations Executive who was eventually captured, tortured and killed by the Nazis.

It was made famous by its inclusion in the 1958 movie about Szabo, Carve Her Name with Pride, where the poem was said to be the creation of Violette's husband Etienne. (Marks allowed it to be used under the condition that its author not be identified.)

The poem code is a simple, and insecure, cryptographic method which was used by SOE to communicate with their agents in Nazi-occupied Europe.

The method works by the sender and receiver pre-arranging a poem to use. The sender chooses a set number of words at random from the poem and gives each letter in the chosen words a number. The numbers are then used as a key for some cipher to conceal the plaintext of the message. The cipher used was often double transposition. To indicate to the receiver which words had been chosen an indicator group is sent at the start of the message.
Reference contribution  from Wikimedia

Thursday, 1 December 2016

बड़े गुस्से से मैं घर से चला आया..!

(एक व्हाट्सएप शेयर)
इतना गुस्सा था की गलती से पापा के ही जूते पहन के निकल गया मैं आज बस घर छोड़ दूंगा, और तभी लौटूंगा जब बहुत बड़ा आदमी बन जाऊंगा

जब मोटर साइकिल नहीं दिलवा सकते थे, तो क्यूँ इंजीनियर बनाने के सपने देखतें है
आज मैं पापा का पर्स भी उठा लाया था जिसे किसी को हाथ तक न लगाने देते थे

मुझे पता है इस पर्स मैं जरुर पैसो के हिसाब की डायरी होगी पता तो चले कितना माल छुपाया है
माँ से भी

इसीलिए हाथ नहीं लगाने देते किसी को

जैसे ही मैं कच्चे रास्ते से सड़क पर आया, मुझे लगा जूतों में कुछ चुभ रहा है मैंने जूता निकाल कर देखा
मेरी एडी से थोडा सा खून रिस आया था जूते की कोई कील निकली हुयी थी, दर्द तो हुआ पर गुस्सा बहुत था

और मुझे जाना ही था घर छोड़कर

जैसे ही कुछ दूर चला
मुझे पांवो में गिला गिला लगा, सड़क पर पानी बिखरा पड़ा था पाँव उठा के देखा तो जूते का तला टुटा था

जैसे तेसे लंगडाकर बस स्टॉप पहुंचा, पता चला एक घंटे तक कोई बस नहीं थी मैंने सोचा क्यों न पर्स की तलाशी ली जाये

मैंने पर्स खोला एक पर्ची दिखाई दी, लिखा था
लैपटॉप के लिए 40 हजार उधार लिए
पर लैपटॉप तो घर मैं मेरे पास है

दूसरा एक मुड़ा हुआ पन्ना देखा, उसमे उनके ऑफिस की किसी हॉबी डे का लिखा था
उन्होंने हॉबी लिखी अच्छे जूते पहनना
ओह..! अच्छे जुते पहनना ?
पर उनके जुते तो

माँ पिछले चार महीने से हर पहली को कहती है नए जुते ले लो और वे हर बार कहते अभी तो 6 महीने जूते और चलेंगे मैं अब समझा कितने चलेंगे

तीसरी पर्ची
पुराना स्कूटर दीजिये एक्सचेंज में नयी मोटर साइकिल ले जाइये पढ़ते ही दिमाग घूम गया
पापा का स्कूटर

मैं घर की और भागा
अब पांवो में वो कील नही चुभ रही थी

मैं घर पहुंचा न पापा थे न स्कूटर
ओह नही मैं समझ गया कहाँ गए

मैं दौड़ा और एजेंसी पर पहुंचा पापा वहीँ थे

मैंने उनको गले से लगा लिया, और आंसुओ से उनका कन्धा भिगो दिया

नहीं पापा नहीं मुझे नहीं चाहिए मोटर साइकिल
बस आप नए जुते ले लो और मुझे अब बड़ा आदमी बनना है वो भी आपके तरीके से

"माँ" एक ऐसी बैंक है जहाँ आप हर भावना और दुख जमा कर सकते है और

"पापा" एक ऐसा क्रेडिट कार्ड है जिनके पास बैलेंस न होते हुए भी हमारे सपने पूरे करने की कोशिश करते है

Thursday, 13 October 2016

*(वासीम बरेलवी जी की ग़ज़ल)*

क्या दुःख है, समंदर को बता भी नहीं सकता
आँसू की तरह आँख तक आ भी नहीं सकता
तू छोड़ रहा है, तो ख़ता इसमें तेरी क्या
हर शख्स मेरा साथ, निभा भी नहीं सकता
प्यासे रहे जाते हैं जमाने के सवालात
किसके लिए जिन्दा हूँ, बता भी नहीं सकता
घर ढूंढ रहे हैं मेरा , रातों के पुजारी
मैं हूँ कि चरागों को बुझा भी नहीं सकता
वैसे तो एक आँसू ही बहा के मुझे ले जाए
ऐसे कोई तूफ़ान हिला भी नहीं सकता

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The world is a waiting room

The world is like a waiting room in a railway station; it is not your house.
You are not going to remain in the waiting room forever.
Nothing in the waiting room belongs to you – the furniture, the paintings on the wall .... You use them – you see the painting, you sit on the chair, you rest on the bed – but nothing belongs to you.
You are just here for a few ...minutes, or for a few hours at the most, then you will be gone.
Yes, what you have brought in with you, into the waiting room, you will take away with you; that’s yours. What have you brought into the world? And the world certainly is a waiting room.
The waiting may not be in seconds, minutes, hours, days, it may be in years; but what does it matter whether you wait seven hours, or seventy years?
You may forget, in seventy years, that you are just in a waiting room.
You may star t thinking perhaps you are the owner, perhaps this is the house you have built.
You may start putting your nameplate on the waiting room.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

As i see ....

Study me as much as you like, you will not know me, for I differ in a hundred ways from what you see me to be. Put yourself behind my eyes and see me as I see myself, for I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see.
~Jalaluddin Rumi~

Thursday, 8 September 2016

ऐना कैरेनिना ~गुलज़ार साहिब~

"वर्थ" जो सेंट है मिट्टी का
"वर्थ" जो तुमको भला लगता है
"वर्थ" के सेंट की खुश्बू थी थियेटर में,
             गयी रात के शो में,
तुमको देखा तो नहीं,सेंट की खुश्बू से
            नज़र आती रही तुम !
दो दो फिल्में थीं,बयक वक्त जो पर्दे पे र'वां थीं,
पर्दे पर चलती हुयी फिल्म के साथ,
और इक फिल्म मेरे जहन पे भी चलती रही !

'एना'के रोल में जब देख रहा था तुमको,
'टॉयस्टॉय'की कहानी में हमारी भी कहानी के
                  सिरे जुड़ने लगे थे--
सूखी मिट्टी पे चटकती हुई बारिश का वह मंजर,
घास के सोंधे,हरे रंग,
जिस्म की मिट्टी से निकली हुयी खुश्बू की वो यादें--

मंजर-ए-रक्स में सब देख रहे तुम को,
और मैं पाँव के उस ज़ख्मी अंगूठे पे बंधी पट्टी को,
शॉट के फ्रेम में जो आई ना थी
और वह छोटा अदाकार जो उस रक्स में
बे वजह तुम्हें छू के गुज़रता था,
जिसे झिड़का था मैंने !
मैंने कुछ शाट तो कटवा भी दिए थे उस के

कोहरे के सीन में,सचमुच ही ठिठुरती हुयी
                     महसूस हुयीं
हाँलाकि याद था गर्मी में बड़े कोट से
उलझी थीं बहुत तुम !
और मसनुई धुएँ ने जो कई आफतें की थीं,
हँस के इतना भी कहा था तुमने !
"इतनी सी आग है,
और उस पे धुएँ को जो गुमां होता है वो
                 कितना बड़ा है "
बर्फ के सीन में उतनी ही हसीं थी कल रात,
जिसनी उस रात थीं,फिल्म के पहलगाम से
                  जब लौटे थे दोनों,
और होटल में ख़बर थी कि तुम्हारे शौहर,
सुबह की पहली फ्लाईट से वहाँ पहुँचे हुए हैं.

रात की रात,बहुत कुछ था जो तबदील हुआ,
तुमने उस रात भी कुछ गोलियाँ कहा लेने की
                    कोशिश की थी,
जिस तरह फिल्म के आखिर में भी
"एना कैरेनिना"
ख़ुदकुशी करती है,इक रेल के नीचे आ कर--!

आखिरी सीन में जी चाहा कि मैं रोक दूँ उस
                     रेल का इंजन,
आँखे बंद कर लीं,कि मालूम था वह'एन्ड'मुझे!
पसेमंजर में बिलकती हुयी मौसीकी ने उस
                रिश्ते का अन्जाम सुनाया,
जो कभी बाँधा था हमने !

"वर्थ" के सेंट की खुश्बू थी,थिएटर में,
                गयी रात बहुत !