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Sunday, 1 June 2014


Such physical matters were nice, yet to him, intelligence and passion born of living, the ability to move and be moved by the subtleties of the mind and spirit, were what really counted. That’s why he found most young woman unattractive, regardless of their exterior beauty. They had not lived long enough or hard enough to possess those qualities that interested him
Love happens once and sometimes it does not survive the test of times or the responsibilities, but, love is within you forever. Walking into another relation or living with another person – all these are material comforts, but love that touches the soul, lasts through times immortal and that is the true meaning of commitment which cannot be defined by a thread or a ring.
With the decision taken, they part with heavy hearts, each knowing that they would be haunted forever. Though there were many women before Francesca, Robert Kincaid never lay eyes on another woman again, not as some vow of celibacy, but because he simply was uninterested. And despite executing her responsibilities as a wife of a farmer and mother of two children, Francesca, thought about him. Love can exist in the heart and can find no means of expression, yet can fulfil us in a way nothing else can

[Bridges of Madison County ]